Tulsa Group Life Insurance

At The McNett Agency in Oklahoma, we see it on a fairly regular basis.

One of our employer clients gets that call…..”This is Tim’s brother. He was killed in a car accident over the weekend. Tim’s wife, Sheila, wanted me to call you, as his employer, to check on any life insurance benefits he may have had through his job with you.”

When this happens to you, will you be able to say that “I am so sorry to hear about Tim. But, yes, Tim has $50,000 of coverage, that I believe is doubled to $100,000 if death is the result of an accident. You should call our insurance advisor, The McNett Agency, at (918) 615-6096 for information on how to file a claim.”?

Tim, at age 34, married with 2 children, never thought much about the life insurance he had through work. But, the tax-free money paid to his young widow will make a world of difference to his family, facing some tough decisions going forward.

If you have to tell Tim’s brother that he had no life insurance through his job, the sad fact is that this coverage could have been provided for less than $10 per month on Tim’s life. No one thought of it, however. Until it was too late.

We at The McNett Agency get these calls on a regular basis. We know the importance of group life insurance to the employees of our clients. Often employees own no personal life insurance. The only life insurance they have is what is provided at work. Because of these factors, we always stress the importance of group life insurance when setting up a client’s benefits program.

As a small to medium-sized business, you can offer a base amount of employer-paid life insurance to employees, then let those employees who want to “buy up” to add additional coverage do so with their own money. Group life insurance is relatively inexpensive, and is a good addition to other benefits programs such as group medical, disability and vision insurance.

Call The McNett Agency, a Tulsa Health Insurance and Tulsa Medicare insurance Broker, with all your group health insurance questions at (918) 615-6096.