Tulsa Employee Assistance Program

If you are a small to medium-sized employer, you probably know a lot of your employees personally. Unlike employees of a large company, these folks are not just numbers on a payroll report. As their boss, your employees are part of a family and you may know a lot of what they are going through in their personal lives.

Marital problems, drug and alcohol, a wayward child. In today’s world, more than ever, employees face landmines along the road of their lives that can sap their strength and concentration.

An employee going through a personal crisis is not one who is going to be performing well on the job.

Where can someone go, who can they talk to for advice on how to deal with a personal issue? How can they seek help in a very confidential manner?

Thus the advent of the Employee Assistance Program (EAP.)

An EAP is a relatively inexpensive employee benefit that can be added to your group medical, dental, life, disability, and vision insurance programs.

With one toll-free phone call to the EAP, a network of licensed counselors is available to employees that need a professional therapist to talk to and get advice, at no cost to them.

For more personalized care, referrals are made to local counselors.

Qualified advisors are also available for a myriad of other issues…..Elder care issues, legal and wills, debt and debt restructuring, estate planning and probate, weight loss, smoking cessation and wellness programs, and more.

An EAP can be a godsend to an employee in need. And a real plus for an employer who wants to keep a happy, productive work force.

Call The McNett Agency in Oklahoma, a Group Tulsa Health Insurance and Tulsa Medicare insurance Broker at (918)294-3712.